January 3, 2025

3 Reasons Why You Can’t Get Your Man to the Altar! Pt 1

“Yes! YOU ARE Marriage Material … Help Him Want to Marry YOU!”

“The Top Three (3) Reasons Why A Woman Can’t Get Her Man To The Altar!”

“The Top Three (3) Things A Woman Can Do, That Will Help Her Get Her Man To The Altar!”

Proverbs 14:1Every Wise woman buildeth Her House, “BUT” the Foolish, {woman}, plucketh it down with Her Hands.

I Samuel 25:40 – 41; Luke 7:38 & 44 – “… to wash the feet … .”

The “Traditional Road” of dating and courting, that leads to the Blessed State of Marriage, has been MADE more “Difficult” to Travel and “Reach” by the Enemy; and even more harder to Negotiate; because he hates Marriage! Malachi 2:15

The Enemy loves and will allow:

  1. Shacking Up! Yes! No Problem, live together, but don’t ever get married.
  2. One Night Stands! Well Yes! No Problem, everybody slips, and ain’t Nobody Perfect!
  3. Lovers with Regular Sex but not married! Just Good Friends! No Problem, we all go to our own place!

The only reason the above three {3} things happen is because the woman is telling herself he will marry me! Most of the time these Affairs break up when she (not he) finally realizes that this man (who I am sleeping with and committing myself to} Is Not going to marry her!

God says,

Marriage, Good or Bad, Happy or Sad, for better or for Worse, In sickness and in heath! God says, Yes! Big Problem, but it is the right God answer and God Way.

People actually believe that Marriage messes up a Relationship; but what they fail to realize until it’s too late, is that unless you are married, you have no relationship, even though you are having Sexual Intercourse! That is why God hates and considers sex outside of marriage a sin. {Most of the time after sex, whether it’s in a long term or short “Affair”, it is the man who eventually walks away, or a frustrated woman, who is fed up with a man who just won’t commit, who puts him out! Most women believe they will marry; and most believe it will be the man they are having sex with; and that is being having sex with at that time, in many cases, there may have been others.

The Number 1 – #1 Problem and Hindrance to a man wanting to get Married is: The Wedding Ceremony!

            She Wants a Wedding, large or small; she wants to whole world to know she has got her a man, {this sends her Self-Worth, Self-Esteem through the roof}, but she does not realize what a Wedding Ceremony says to most men.

             Most men do not like Weddings because of Exposure and sometimes Cost, along with so much Planning, which is a lot of work!  (Granted again it’s the woman doing the actual work, but the man has to listen to all of this and act as though he is interested, unless she thinks, ‘he doesn’t care’).  But the main reason is, Him Being Exposed; this exposure is like being taking Off-The-Market, No Longer Available, it’s like a “Secret-Agent” who was once undercover working, now he is being Exposed, and can no longer work under cover!

  1. Off-the-Market? Yes, but he can still “Appreciate-Beautiful-Women” without Penalty and judgment!
  2. No Longer Available? Yes, but he can still be “Admired”, “Looked-At” and “Appreciated” by other women who choose to do so and have Chemistry with him; without Penalty and judgment!
  3. Secret-Agent status lost? Yes, but he can now focus his skills on “Loving and Caring for One-Woman”, who will now devote all her attention on him. Which takes away the danger and possibility of him being captured and tortured by the enemy as a Spy, Enemy-Agent or in today’s language “A Dog”.

Today, if you will check, a lot more couples are living together rather than marry, and in most cases it is the man who does not want to get married. So they live together, (Which is the Woman’s Choice, and it is sometimes at the man’s suggestion), (called, Shacking Up), they live together, like they ARE MARRIED, but they ARE NOT MARRIED, and they do this until the woman can convince him to marry her which most of the time Never, Ever, Happens! Some women actually think that this man, who she is living with, giving her total self to, will one day come home and says, we have been living together long enough, lets’ get married! {Now, if this ever happens, I hope it won’t be because she just won the Million Dollar Lottery}.  I personally believe, if a woman forgets the thoughts of a wedding, and think, talk and plan for a Short, Simple, Sweet, Marriage Ceremony, that has a low, low cost and is very, very private!  She will be 1/3 (One-Third) on the way to not only marrying but having a lasting, happy marriage! Hint: “For Get the Wedding Plans and the Wedding Dress”! Those are Never the Ingredients for a Joyful,  Long Lasting Happy marriage anyway.  There are many marriages that have lasted a life time, where the couple never had a Wedding and she never wore a Wedding Gown! {Most you never have heard about and never will; Hint, Hint, that’s the Idea, keep it Private and Make it Personal! You will be so glad you did! It’s All about Him and Not About You! {Then You Win, Win!  And if you don’t, You Lose! Big Time; Wasted all that money on a Wedding and Wedding Gown, and you don’t even have a marriage, if she did get married, Yes, you were a ‘Beautiful Bride”! Yes, all the pictures and the video of the wedding were perfect and so Breath-taking; but now it hurts you to look at them}. So You Lose out on everything! Forget the Wedding and the Wedding Dress; and you will have plenty of time to see your family and friends later and visit those who celebrate you and your husband, and forget those who hate! The Point Is, You Married Now! Nough-Said…

The Number 2 – #2 Problem and Hindrance to a man wanting to get Married is: Continued-Sexual-Satisfaction!

            A Man knows that once he is married and locked down, or tied to only one woman, eventually he won’t be fully sexually satisfied any longer. (He won’t tell the woman that, so he won’t seem like a “dog” or “Whore”!) But most men don’t believe that One Woman can satisfy them! {See Article “Men and Variety” by M. J. Wade}. They feel that sooner or later they will grow tired of their wives and eventually want to move on, get New Woman, who may be in better shape, or at least with a better or different figure {Body}; and certainly someone, who in due time, thinks will be more Sexually Satisfying to him.

            The Girlfriend/Future-Wife must start out allowing him to be sexually and mentally stimulated by other women without the guilt, any confrontation, shame or penalty from her. (She must be Sincere about this and not faking like it all right with her, and she approves, but she later starts to trip out)(she says, “I put up with that mess, while we were dating, but I ain’t gonna take that now, no way”)(and he says, “Girl you trippin, I ain’t doing nothing!”, “that don’t mean nothing!”, “so why you trippin?”) (and she says, “I saw you looking at her and the way she looked at you, I ain’t nobody’s fool!” “so don’t play me like that!”).  (and Now, at this point, he says, nothing else to her on this matter, BUT,  a major change and course of actions has just taken place IN HIS MIND!

He now, No Longer Trust her with his true feelings, He will no longer be the free and creative man, who she will later want and need, and He Now has a desire and need, to be Some Person who this woman will not allow him to be, NOT WITHOUT A FIGHT EVERY TIME, and he don’t want that or need that from her, so “an Important Door” in their relationship is Closed, {many times, forever}, but it is a Door, she will long to have open again, If The Relationship last that long! 

A girlfriend who learns to do this early in their dating experience is simply laying a strong foundation to build a solid and lasting marriage upon; and will ultimately help, to get her man to the altar to marry her a lot sooner! {Try, It Works!}. She must, allow him to be sexually and mentally stimulated by other women without the guilt, any confrontation, shame or penalty from her. (She must be Sincere)! He does not physically want any other woman, but he must have the freedom, with guilty, shame, penalty or blame, to know that other women are there and he can enjoy their beauty and they can equally enjoy his!

She says, “why she looking at you like that?”, and he says, “I don’t know!”, now he loves this, because it helps to build and strength “his male ego”, but there is no unfaithful connection there on his part. (not at first, but if she pushes the issue with every woman, who is attracted to him, or he to her, {it’s called, “Sexual-Chemistry}, then, one day “She” the non-trusting woman will eventually force it to be true!

A woman trusting her man in situations where, “Sexual-Chemistry-Attractions” occurs, Builds Trust! And Trust Builds Good, Lasting, Healthy, Godly Relationships! And, One day the woman will need the man to trust her in the exact same way, for the exact same reasons! Can you say, “Trust-Him”, and he will “Trust-Her”!

Again, the sad part is most women don’t think a man has a trust problem with her, and that is the reason why she is so Non-Trusting of her man at first.  A woman can’t see why, her man can’t be just interested in her alone, “what’s the big deal?” She figures, I don’t need the attention of no other man, and therefore, he shouldn’t need the attention of no other woman, or vice-versa.  But what she fails to realize is, and this is Big, in fact, Very Big, what she fail to realize is, She is in total denial when she says that she can be trust, and that her interest is in only one man at a time;

When the truth is, she is interested in other men and she loves it when other men notice and looks at her, {it is so powerful for her, Self-worth and Self-Esteem, which she work so hard to block, because she feels that this is being unfaithful, so she constantly fights this feeling and she expects the man to do the Exact Same thing, in fact she says, “If I can fight and resist this feeling he can too!”}.

 A woman can focus on one man at a time much better than a man can or is willing to! But, other men are attracted to her and she to them as well, all while she is in relationship with her man, she just simply hides it better, by covering her emotions and “Outward-Feelings”! Why do you think so many woman fantasize and read romance novels? They, by fantasizing and reading these romance novels, are secretly meeting a need that has been and is being internalized by her and is eating away at her Inside Emotions and won’t let her be at Peace with herself, Her Man, Other Women, nor God! She must free herself, so she can truly free her man, when the time arrives in their dating relationship.

The Number 3 – #3 Problem and Hindrance to a man wanting to get Married is: Woman Changing Sexually After Marriage!

            The “Sexual-Freakiness” the man saw or kinda got glimpses of in the woman while they were dating and before they got married, is almost, always, gone forever, once they get married. {He knows it’s there, he can feel it, she may have seen it in other women, but it’s there!}.

  The frustrating part for the man is, once they are married she should be able to let this “Freaky-Side-Of-Her-Personality” come out and stay out now that they are married.  But, Nine-Out-Of-Ten times it won’t; she keeps that Side of Her, hid out, because she doesn’t trust Herself, she doesn’t trust Her Man, and she certainly doesn’t trust God! She thinks, “that just ain’t right; it ain’t Holy, it’s a Sin, it Just Ain’t Me!   I don’t care what anybody say, “it just ain’t me, No Way!”}. 

 Except when she gets desperate, because she thinks or feels she is losing him or has lost him.  If she feels he is cheating on her or is thinking about cheating, she may try to wake up the “Sexual-Freak” in herself, {lose weight, fix herself up, wear a sexy outfit or night gown, or go totally nude}, but he now knows that, even if she does, it won’t last, she is doing that simply to keep from losing him.  Her begging him nor her threats to him, will no longer keep him tied to her, because he was looking for the Sexual-Freak in her, and wanted her to be that way permanently.

While dating, a man must discover, (or should I truthfully point out) be allowed by the woman to discover that she has a Permanent-Sexual-Freaky-Side-Of-Her”.  She must allow him to discover this Sexual-Freaky-Personality, little by little, with great subtlety, but be very, very clear that you are marrying a woman, who loves sex, wants sex, thinks sex, Is Sexy and can give good sex, all the time on every occasion.  And this must All be done without with her, looking like a “Whore”, acting like a “Whore”, talking like a “Whore” around others! And yet, definitely a Whore when it comes to her man, and for her man, anytime all the time.  

She permit her man see during the dating period that She consistently dresses, acts, talks so that other men would want her, yet she, carries herself so that they know that they can’t have her! — She dresses, acts and talks so that other women can’t help but admire her, and she carries herself so that they can approach her for advice for their man and their love life and marriage.

The World and the Church alike is Waiting for and Looking for A Woman who Is Saved, Sanctified, Filled With The Holy Ghost and The Ever Burning Fire, Loves God, Tithes, Ushers and Sings in the Choir, And Dresses Hot, Sexy, with just a hint of, “I could be a Whore, but you’ll never know unless you are Married to Me!”

Therefore, the woman  must allow her man  to discover, during their dating period, that her Sexual-Freaky-Personality, is the other side of her and it is certainly permanent!

She must allow him to see for himself, without her having to say one word, that, just like she is Righteous, has High Standard, Christian, loves God, goes to church regularly, tithes, sings in the choir, usher and all of that; She Is A Sex Freak as Well!

She must allow him to see for himself, without her having to say one word, that, there is nothing Legal and it Meets God’s Approval, that she won’t do or try when it comes to Sex, Pleasure, and Fulfillment; for her or her man!

Any woman who allows her man to discover this about her, that man can’t wait to get to the altar WITH HER!


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