A Woman’s Sexuality! And Her “Self-Worth”!
Two (2) Women One Sexy Looking and the other Homely looking! Both women are Complete Women with none of their Body Parts missing or Broken, everything on them and about them Works Properly and Works well.
The first woman has Large Breast, a full round butt, sexy legs, long hair, and a pretty face and built, 38- 24-36!
The other woman has Small Breast, a simi-flat butt, skinny legs, short hair, a plain looking face and built 30-32-34!
Both women have great Minds and they work normal jobs with a decent income and medium standard of living. Nothing fancy!
Even though each woman is “Built” different physically, therefore, they look different on the “Outside”; they both have the same physical Make-Up on the “Inside”. – The World and People [particularly men] see the Woman that the World calls Sexy, Pretty and Well Built Physically as having A Greater Advantage Over the woman who Looks Homely and Not-Sexy to the eye!
The truth is, “Both” women have a Bad “Self-Worth” Problem because of the Way they See themselves.
The woman who appears Pretty, Sexy and Well Built, Still depends upon Men and the World to, Tell Her She looks Good, to Show her she looks Good and Convince her that she is “WHO” she ‘thinks’ she is, with her pretty face and sexy body; because she judges her “Self-Worth” by the Power and Effectiveness that she has Over Men and the World. — So, when she is rejected by “The Man” she wants or she doesn’t get the “LOOK” and “REACTIONS” she expects to receive from Men, … then she “Becomes” Depressed and Feels Unloved, and she wonders what is WRONG WITH HER. She has to quickly get someone else to take the last man she had place, to try to prove or affirm her “Self-Worth”. But her Anger and Bitterness toward Men and Other Women shows up in her Attitude.
Now, the woman who does not appear, Pretty, Sexy and Well Built, has an inner struggle with accepting who she is, because of her Physical Body and the way she is built and how she ‘thinks’ she looks to the World and Men. BUT Men don’t know how to treat her and how to react to her because they ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for her “Self-Worth” and how she sees herself, “Physically” or “Mentally”. Therefore, the average man will wait on this woman to make the first move toward them. — But there are a few men out there who ARE “Players” and just for fun, they will ‘approach’ her and make a move on her just for fun to test their skills and to boost their “Ego”. These men care nothing about this Woman’s Self-Worth; but will use her lack of “Self-Worth” to get her to Sleep with Him and be his Personal {Modern} Slave, {aka = “Booty-Call” and “Go-To-Hussle”}. Because of her lack of “Self-Worth” she will let him treat her anyway he wants to and she still “Will Not” leave him or let him go, NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES!
Both of these women are always ‘very hard’ [aka= difficult] to live with because of their lack of “Self-Worth”! — They are always depending upon the Man or Woman they are in a Relationship with to PROVE and VALIDATE, their Self-Worth” … these Women are always, Very, very Needy!
The Greatest Sex-Tool is the Mind! So, Sexiness is how a woman see’s herself, physically, that is, how she sees her natural body in whatever shape it is in. “That’s Her “Self-Worth”.
Self-worth is A Woman’s OPINION ABOUT THE WAY GOD HAS MADE Her PHYSICALLY! She HAS a personal knowledge of how valuable she is simply because She is a living breathing human being. (because of Who God made her, how he made her and thus who she really Is!)
- It is Her personal opinion about Her physical Make-Up: Her Hair, legs, eyes, butt, height, weight, skin, breast, feet, toes in other words how she personally feels about the total physical HER!
- Ex: If she has Good Self-Worth then she loves her physical Body, just the way it is, just the way God made “It”, she enjoys it and she doesn’t mind showing it and enjoying it at the right place and time.
Any Woman can Keep Any Man, that is, “Once she is in a Relationship with that Man” with THE RIGHT KNOWLEDGE! Because Her Mind is the Source of Her Strength and Power Over A Man and Not Her Body’! No Matter how Her Body’ looks or how Her Body’ is Built Physically. Her Body may Get Him, but it Is Her Mind, that will KEEP HIM.
That knowledge is a woman not worrying about her own self, physically first! Because her mindset is already good and she is already confident about who she is and what she has and knows what to do with it!!! She does not NEED Any Man to Validate nor Affirm Her “Self-Worth”. She Is “FREE”.
So, she knows how to please herself Sexually and naturally by herself! {masturbation} And She does so on a regular scheduled bases with a routine that’s part of her busy schedule. She does not neglect her own personal physical needs, because she knows how vitally important they are to her and to the men she comes in contact with on a daily basis! But most importantly how vital it is to ‘The Man’ in her personal life! No Man wants A NEEDY, Possessive Woman who is Insecure, no matter How Fine she is!
Then, with this knowledge she can effectively Minister {Give Pleasure} to the men who she run into on daily bases! Yes, no matter who they are, where they are and what their job is or her relationship to them is. {They Can Safely enjoy her Beauty & Body without being made to feel Guilty, Shame or Blame by her} — Plus, in a special way she can effectively Minister to the man in her life, helping him be all he can be and fulfilling all his needs, mentally and sexually and pointing him to God for his spiritual needs to be met, without any Drama, Condemnation, or guilt on his part from her.
The knowledge is she takes the Blame, the Guilt, and any situation that could disturb his peace of mind. No Drama from her, just the Pleasure of her company!
She Free’s him to mentally and physically to enjoy life without, Condemnation, Guilt, Shame or Blame. There is “No Drama” ever for her man or the Men she meets. She refuses to shame or blame her man or the men to make them feel Guilty! She is Not Needy! She Already Knows Who She Is! She is Already Confident in What she has and HOW TO USE IT! She satisfies herself on a regular basis. Therefore, all she Expects to get Gets from her man and the men she comes across her path is the Pleasure of Pleasing them. — She Gets her Pleasure by giving them the Pleasure of Her Mind and Body “WITOUT” making them feel shameful, guilty or the Blame. That’s Her Choice; No Body Makes Her do This; She is Happy and Fulfilled and her Man and every man she meets every day! THAT IS THE KNOWLEDGE!