“How to Jump Start a Sex-Life That’s Cooling, Cold or Comatose!”
Breaking the Barrier and the Ice that stalls a Couples Sex Life!
How to bring spice and excitement back into your sex life!
Coco, Nicole Austin, Wife of famous Rapper and Actor “Ice-Tea” gives this tip for wives:
Coco was asked: “What’s one thing you do regularly to please your husband?” – Her answer, Coco says, “I like to get in some ‘whorish clothes’ and walk around the house… Whether we are doing anything or not {sex, that is}, I want him to see me being sexy for him. I can be cooking or cleaning, but I do it in Hot and Sexy Clothes, just for him. I have done this since we met and I think it keeps our relationship new and fresh. I feel good about myself; so I do it for that reason also.”

The key person in Jump Starting a couple’s Sex Life is the Woman! Without a doubt, hands down, it is the Woman; she is the main character! If a couple’s sex life is to be revived, it is the woman who must stir up her sexual gift that’s inside her. It is that gift which is inside of her, and every woman, that produces her orgasms, multiple orgasms, plenty of them and regularly! A woman must, start and develop her “ME-TIME” {Multiple Ecstasy Time – that is, auto-eroticism, sexual-self-love, also called ‘masturbation’}, and Master this very important Life Skill, both for herself and for the man or Husband in her life.
This is the most difficult part of the change that must take place but it is the far most Rewarding for everyone involved, especially for the Woman; and NOT THE MAN OR HUSBAND as some may think, feel or believe.
It is during a woman’s ME Time that she develops the very important technique of totally and fully pleasing herself without the man. The woman gets a large number of benefits from her mastering this technique,
1. She actually learns her body.
2. She finds out how difficult it is for her to be pleased and to reach a simple Orgasm.
3. She learns that once she knows and has mastered her body, how good her Orgasm can be and how relaxing, revitalizing her Orgasms are, and that she is surely Multi-Orgasmatic.
4. She learns that, it is through her “ME-TIME”, even though it is difficult, hard to get started and demanding to do, the major stresses in her life goes away and nothing happens in her life, is then so terrible that she can’t handle with a sound Mind.
5. She learns a very important technique when it comes to sex, her sex-life, and her orgasms, that she can START and FINISH them without a man; and she knows that no matter what happens with the man, that she can and will get her orgasm. (This is an important point many women needs to know).
6. She will learn that there are so many Great and Powerful benefits that she gains and will continue to gain and enjoy from the time and works that she spends in having her regular “ME-TIME”.
It is important that she must set the number of Orgasms that she will achieve before each of her Me-Time Sessions ends. She must not leave her Me-Time Sessions without reaching her goal each time. In doing so, she will learn that, her Orgasm will become easier and easier to achieve and more powerful, some more than others. She will learn that as her ability to fantasize grows, and so will the power and speed of her Multiple Orgasm. And most importantly, her body will have learned the ability to endure, repeat actions, and therefore, readily yield the orgasms that she seeks. This is what the woman has worked so hard in the past to achieve but now, comes one after another with Great Ease and Great Power.
Once, the woman has master her sexual powers using her ME-Time, she must then plan to have sex with her husband or man and let him know that she wants to have sex with him and they set the date or dates.
When the woman is ready, it is the woman who must carefully plan and initiate the next sexual encounter between her and her man or husband! The woman must make sure that she goes into the Sexual-Love-Making Session, ALREADY HOT, Already Sexually-Aroused, her Vagina Already Well lubricated and she must be ready to climax!
The woman’s Well Lubricated Vagina, will excite the man, just as a man’s erect penis, excite a woman, the sight of it, so does a woman’s fully lubricated vagina, excites a man, at the touch. Therefore, it is an imperative necessity for the woman to already be sexually excited and well lubricated at the very moment when she physically invites Him to take the lead. At this time the woman must realize that it is alright to allow the man to climax first without the pressure or worry of trying to get her to orgasm or have sexual fulfillment.
The Main Purpose for the Woman doing all of this work: Her goal is to take ALL OF THE WORK OUT OF THEIR SEX and Love Making, for the man! She is doing all that she can to remove any, work, pressure or burden the man might feel or think about, so that he will not be ‘anxious’ but worry free. She does this so that all the pleasure that she and her man or husband can freely flow physically. Thereby, the man is getting his orgasm and yet, mentally not understanding how she was able to pull this off without him having to do any work. The man not being responsible for getting her excited, well lubricated, or him having the pressure and personal responsibility of trying to please her by having to give her and orgasm! That is, him getting her off and then getting off himself.
An Important Point! Once the man gets use to this routine by the woman, and he will, he will be more relaxed and ready for the big dose of the women bring herself to orgasm while he is right there and no work on his part other than to obey her and enjoy the ride.
To keep this spice in their sex life all the woman has to do is physically, {No talking or explaining just doing} share one of her many orgasms in the man’s presence and teach him to participate by obeying EXACTLY what she says. {A woman must never, ever share ANY PART of her personal Me-Times Sessions and Fantasies with anyone, NEVER! It always turns out badly and is always lot less rewarding}.
Most women, who don’t understand the importance of Sexual Stimulation to a man, will block it, hurting their future sex life without knowing it. A sexy life-style can be equally as stimulating for women as it is for men. However, much of the stimulation that women can get from the women who stimulate their husband or man, they actively block. Then the woman make it a point of argument to make it known to the man, that they don’t like it. (This blocks the man sexual response first, but this actions by the woman will eventually starts to affect how, her man, reacts to her).